Wednesday, June 27, 2012


A dedication....I would like to dedicate this post to my friend David Edgren for his request that I, once again, communicate my happenings in Africa with those who are reading this blog. So, at long last, here it is:

When I finally sit down at my computer to write, I always seem to feel a sense of speechlessness. There have been so many thoughts pouring through my mind that the idea of sorting them all out and putting them into a cohesive whole would take about a day and a half. So, to respect your time and to respect the fact that I need to sleep at some point, I will keep things succinct--a sweet taste of Africa (just like the sugar cane we got to suck on today at Mama Lindewe' was quite yummy, just so you know)  
This past week has been filled with many things--Bible story training, curriculum training, craft training, practical work around the house, prep for the upcoming week, and also a bit of relaxation.  

In the midst of all of it, though, one word that seems to keep coming back to our group is that of 'rest'. Now, some may think it's funny, this idea that one would be resting while on a mission trip. But, in all reality, rest is a truth that our group has needed. This doesn't mean cancelling our engagements and sitting around while drinking rooibos all day long. No. But, it does mean relying totally on God as we live in South Africa and not pushing ourselves 'til breaking point. In a lot of ways, South Africa is reviving our souls just as much as we hope to reach out and revive those around us. Sometimes it's hard though, to give up the way one has functioned in life for so long--always living to please and live life to a state of perfection. God has really been pointing this out in my life. 

Three words that have characterized this trip for me so far are: grace, love and patience. And, although it's hard, God has been pushing me to live a life that breathes them. I'm not going to lie, it can be so hard to life in such a way when one is surrounded by six other women who are about as opposite from you as a hedgehog and a house cat (weird picture, I understand, it's just what came into my head first). Yet, in the tension, that is where one can also see God working the most. And for that, I'm thankful. 

Here are a few pictures of things that have taken my breath away recently. Fran took us to a game park one day and the sunsets here are an essence of the divine. Enjoy!

P.S.--That's Joburg in the background....The sun sets behind Joburg, so we get a great view of it the nights that it's clear :)


  1. I'm honored that I get a whole post dedicated to me. :) And especially one with such a beautiful array of photos!

  2. Love the sunset pictures. Keep up the blog.
