Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Beginning of An Adventure!

Dear Friends and Family,
             This will be the first of, hopefully, many updates about my mission trip to South Africa. In this way, I hope to continue to do life with you, even if several thousand miles away. More importantly, it will be a means of communicating with you the constant work of God in my life, as I know He is and will be so present with our team on this journey.
Even just this morning, I have been greatly blessed with His healing hand through the prayers of a few back in Oregon. At this point, I don’t know for sure what happened, but the best guess I can give is food poisoning from last night’s dinner. Anyway, the results of such were my being sick to my stomach not more than 45 minutes before my flight was scheduled to take off and my being in a lot of pain. But, despite my circumstance, I was able to eventually board the plane and was blessed with a deep sleep that, when I awoke, left me feeling far, far better than when I had started my travels.
At this point, I am seated in an airport in St. Paul, Minnesota, waiting for my connecting flight to Charlotte, North Carolina in about an hour. I do have to say, for those of you who have yet to experience the MSP airport, it is quite lovely. It feels like walking through a recently remodeled mall with arms of terminals and planes attached.
When I arrive in Charlotte tonight, Rainbows of Hope will pick me up and, over the next few days, we (as a team of 7) will train before heading off to South Africa on the 7th.
At this point, a few areas in which I would be grateful for your prayers are: health (specifically as it relates to my stomach and allergies) and for safety in group travel as we plan to leave the country.
Well, as I can think of nothing else worthy of saying about this upcoming trip to South Africa, I will bid you all adieu.

Much Love,

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