Saturday, June 16, 2012

Blind Bartimaeus and Saturday Kids Camp

Today was officially our first day in a ministry context with kids! We traveled with Richard and Lindsey and Andrew by car to a township where a woman named Mama Lindiwe holds a kids camp every other Saturday for the children in that township. We went because Mama wanted WEC to help train her helpers on how to run a kids camp. 

It was so much fun! One really cool part of South African culture, as well as many others in Africa, is that they use story telling as a way to teach the Bible. This is primarily because they are more orally oriented. And, it is a lot easier to remember a story than a sermon. So, we told the story of the blind beggar named Bartimaeus and sang songs and played games. 

A counsel woman even showed up to see how Mama was running the camp and promised to purchase a sewing machine because part of the school during the week teaches women how to sew. She also promised to help find a more suitable piece of land for the ministry. 

The kids also performed many ritual dances and chants and songs for us--they were all quite adorable. 

Here are a few pictures from the day. One is of the ministry and the other is of the township area where we were at. 

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