Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Beauty of Chaos

Over the past couple of weeks, it seems like a month's worth of events have occurred. I think life moves faster when you are in a particular place for a limited amount of time. College has been like that too, it seems. But, to be honest, I love when life is like that. Living in a community with six other girls and being constantly involved in ministry, it seems like the Lord works overtime on your heart, which is a stretching, but rewarding experience.

Last week, we were blessed with the challenge of helping at a holiday club for children in the area. It was cool because they invited kids from a local orphanage and a school in one of the townships to join the schools from Benoni (a more well of town in the area). What we didn't realize is that we would be heading groups of kids ourselves. I had a wonderful group of kids (we named ourselves the Shongololos--which is a millipede) who ranged from the age of 5 to 14. There were eight of them. While difficult at times, I grew to love those kids quite a lot and was rather sad when the week ended. The picture below is of us on the last day. Sadly, two of the boys that were in my group couldn't make it on the last day.

We also had the privilege of celebrating our Independence Day with the WEC team via a brie on the 4th. It was really fun to make hamburger patties (my first time doing so) and all of the American classics--like apple pie. We got to invite Fran and her husband, as well, which made the night all the more enjoyable. Oh, and Julia sneaked sparklers over to SA in her suitcase, so we got to light those too :) The picture below is of April holding baby Andrew (Lindsey's son) and Kristen being creepy in the background. 

The last event I will touch on was this past Monday. On Monday we usually had the day off, so Richard suggested we go for a hike in a game park that has hiking trails about 20 minutes away from the property. Not only did the hike provide a beautiful and much needed change of scenery, but it also held a refreshing peace. The view was breathtaking, with rolling hills surrounding us. There was a warm silence that filled the air--sort of like the sound of a first snow. Romantically beautiful, I think, is a good way to put words to it. Needless to say, it filled me with a renewed sense of God's love for us and my love for him. Below are a few pictures I took of the scenery. 

Needless to say, things have been going quite well for our team. I would ask, though, as you think to pray for our team, to pray for health. Many of us have been battling allergies and random illness. Last week during kids club, I was out for an entire day because I was sick to my stomach. But, aside from such things, I can safely say that we are continually growing closer as a team and I am appreciating our time in South Africa more and more. So, for now, Salani Kahle!

P.S.--Here is one other picture that I have been wanting to post for a while from a creche that we have visited quite a few times while we've been here. 

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