Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Gogo Wendy

To end our second evening of training, we met with Wendy (our South African guru--or 'gogo', as we call her--to learn more about African culture and practice Zulu (one of the 11 official languages of South Africa). While we are still stumbling with our clicking noises (there are 3 of them in the Zulu language), I think we are finally starting to get the hang of the basic phrases. 

Hello-- Sawubona 
How are you?-- unjani?
My name is...-- igama lami ngu...
*Oh, and most importantly* 
Where is the toilet?-- likuphi itholethe? (they say toilet instead of bathroom because they actually have separate rooms for a sink and a tub)

Needless to say, we are all exhausted and thoroughly ready for a good night of rest. So, I will bid you all adieu and wish you well.

Salani Kahle!

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