Thursday, June 7, 2012

Some Good Southern Cookin'

Our last night in South Carolina! Wow, three days of orientation has felt like forever and, yet, it also seems like we arrived just yesterday. While it is sad to leave some new friends behind, it is also exciting to look forward to the next 24 hours and two months and the exciting journey they will bring. 

To close out our day, our team shared communion and ate some good Southern cookin' for dinner (fried chicken, green beans, fresh bread, deviled eggs, salad and pecan bars). Altogether, a delicious and fitting way to end our time with each other--oh, and we also made cookies about an hour ago :)

The team that is here with us for orientation that is heading to Guatemala will leave for the airport at 3:30 tomorrow morning and we will head out to the airport at 11:30 where we will travel to Atlanta and then a 16 hour flight direct to Joburg. 

To be quite honest, I don't think I've ever been confined to a chair and isle for 16 hours and I'm not looking forward to it. Hopefully most of our time on the plane will be spent asleep.

Prayer for patience while on the plane and health while traveling tomorrow would be much appreciated. And, with that, I will bid you good night!

Sala Kahle


  1. Be sure to spend lots of time in the isle.

  2. Yeah, I second that. I've never been on more than a plane for more than 6 hours at a time, but I have quickly learned that the lavoratory is your best friend. You just excuse yourself, close the door, and stretch for a couple minutes. You can do it once an hour without being frowned at too much--if you're sitting in the aisle, that is. :)
