Tuesday, June 19, 2012


While I love all of you who read this blog dearly, I am quite exhausted at the moment, so pictures with descriptions will have to suffice.

As a quick update, though, we have spent the past few days working with Fran (an AMAZING woman of God) and a ministry called Norah's Place. Norah's Place works with kids and families in many contexts. So far, we have gone to the preschool and enjoyed the company of children. Tomorrow we will go work with Norah and her team in the context of homecare (going to homes and providing informal medical assistance, etc.). Altogether, we have been quite busy. Oh, and this afternoon we also went to John Wesley school and were given a tour of the facilities.

A group picture from our excursion to the Apartheid Museum. Richard had a lot of fun taking our picture. Oh, and the strange man in the upper right corner was another visitor of the museum. He just really wanted to be in our picture, so he jumped in at the last second. This wasn't his only candid moment, though :)

Group picture at the museum #2. Oh, and yes, we had company in this photo too.

A picture of the area that burned from the fire. This picture hardly does it justice, though. The burn area was probably a solid 4 or 5 acres. And yet, despite being burned, it still looks lovely.

A picture of the first creche we went to visit for Saturday Kids Club. I mentioned this in an earlier post. 

A picture of the settlement where the Kids Club was held and where the creche is located. 

This is a picture of the church we went to on Sunday. The woman in the foreground is Pastor Margaret. This is her church. We went to her house before service and she fed us soup and then, after service, even though we said we were not going to have lunch, she and the congregation made us a feast with fancy dishes and everything. It was delicious. Oh, and the service lasted for a solid 4 hours. Richard said that was on the shorter side. 

A beautiful sunset. That was on Father's Day if I'm remembering correctly.

A picture of one of the classrooms at Norah's Place--the school. The kids were SO cute. At the end of our first day there, we came into the middle of a circle for a big hug and they charged us and hugged me to the ground. And then, of course, they helped me up and dusted me off when they were done.

Our lovely cooks. They cook for the kids every single day. The lunch that they served us was quite lovely. We got to have pap which is a stable in many homes down here. It's sort of like a rice and it sits in your stomach for days. Yum!

This is a picture of Auntie Phyllis telling a story to the kids before lunch. Auntie Phyllis is good friends with Fran and works at Norah's Place often.

And, last but not least, this is a picture of the sunrise this morning. It was quite lovely and I enjoyed standing in the warmth of it's rays as it poured into our living room window. 

All this to say, pictures cannot begin to describe this place. But, they can certainly give you an idea of what it's like. Full of lovely people and places and sights. Also full of hurt and suffering and brokenness. But, at the end of the day, under the watchful eye of a loving creator, and that's what counts. 

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