Saturday, June 9, 2012

16+ Hours Later...

I am officially sitting on my bed for the next two months in Brakpan, South Africa!!! 
So, let's start with the plane ride. Well, to be honest, it wasn't awful. We were served two hot meals plus plenty of snacks and drinks, we had unlimited movie access the whole flight, the plane was huge (and therefore really fun to be on), they allowed us to pace the isles when the seat belt sign was turned off, and we got our own pillows and blankets. Aside from a few headaches and a tweaked knee, it went pretty well. 
Our flight was so smooth, in fact, that we got in to the airport an hour early. From there, we were picked up and driven back to the WEC base. The seven of us who are here for the two months get a whole house to ourselves! I am rooming with Holly, a beautiful woman of God, who recently graduated from Wheaton. Lindsey, one of the missionaries here, made us pumpkin soup for dinner when we got to the base--it was delicious. 
Well, at this point I am utterly exhausted, so I will bid you farewell for now. The two pictures in this post are the view from the airport in Atlanta, GA (the connection to our international flight) and the second is Holly in front of the heating unit in our room because it's 35 degrees outside and that is the only thing we have to heat our room and the area surrounding. Needless to say, it should be quite an experience :)
