Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Beautiful End To A Wonderful Journey

Well, to be honest, I don't know how much I trust myself in writing this blog post right now. You  see, I have spent the last 21 some hours on airplanes and in customs lines and am so past the point of overtired that I have reached several breaking points--the most notable being in Julia's apartment, when I laid face down on the ground and laughed and cried hysterically until I couldn't breathe. I don't think I've ever been so tired that I have been laughing and crying at the same time, not crying because I am laughing so hard, mind you, but laughing for laughing's sake and crying for crying's sake. Let me tell you, it is a weird experience. As Ari, my teammate, would put it: "ratched".

All I can say is that my experience in Africa has been a beautiful one in many ways,  but in none of the ways that I expected. God taught me a lot about community, about how to live in community and how to love and live with sisters in Christ in stressful and, most of the time, close-quarter situations. He also taught me a lot about spiritual family and investing in those with whom you come into contact, even if it's only for a short while here on this earth. I feel so incredibly blessed with the relationships He gave me this summer in Ruth and Raine, Richard and Lindsey, and Fran and Allen. They will all remain with me, if only in spirit.

As more thoughts come, I will continue to post and reflect on my travels; but, for now, I will bid you all farewell with a few pictures that will always remind me of South Africa and the family I have made there.

(some girls sang for us after church one Sunday)

(with Rich and Lindsey and baby Andrew)

(the sunset in Kruger)

(Valuable to Jesus program)

(more valuable to Jesus program)

(a picture with Ruth and Raine)

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